Supplier strength: ★★★★

Number of factories:One factory

Product: Used clothes, Used shoes , Used bags, Wipping rags

Location: United Arab Emirates

Website Traffic index:★★

Company Profile: 


Second Hand & New Clothing Experts

SK Export specializes in the import and export of European sorted used clothing, new clothing stock lot & shoes in the UAE and Worldwide.


The Story.

SINCE 1985

SK Export specializes in the import and export of European sorted used clothing, new clothing stock lot & shoes in the UAE and Worldwide. SK Export focuses on providing the best quality to the customer while maintaining affordable prices and efficient loading. Our main focus is to preserve the environment, buy from charitable organisations only and to recycle everything and give clothing a new life.

SK Export was founded in 2020

25 Tonnes

Amount of clothes processed daily

8,000,000 Kilograms

Total amount of clothes we’ve recycled per year

100 Clients

People who distribute the recycled clothing

25 Countries

Countries that our clients distribute in

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