Supplier strength: ★★★★★

Number of factories:One Factory

Product: Second-hand clothes

Location: New Jersey

Website Traffic index:★★★

Company Profile:

The Company

Texx Team – Second-Hand Clothes Warehouse

Texx Team is a second-hand clothes warehouse helping people around the world to purchase recycled and reused garments of all kinds. If you’re looking for the collection and wholesale of used clothes, you’re looking for Texx Team.

Established in 1996, the company is dedicated to making it easy for people to affordably purchase second-hand clothing in bulk. Working with some of the leading names in the used clothes industry, Texx Team has more than 20 years of experience as a provider of services which have a tradition of openness, credibility and quality. The company’s strong policies on ethics and the consistent sorting of the clothes themselves have helped it to position itself as a second-hand clothes warehouse at the forefront of the industry in Europe, the United States and worldwide.

The used clothing supplier meeting your needs for quality and quantity

Texx Team operates around the world, connecting people in need of bulk second-hand clothing with a reliable, high-quality source for all grades of clothes.

  • Cream quality – Our best quality clothes, fashionable and modern.
  • Extra quality – Clothes in Very good condition. Еeasily removable soiling or minimal defects are acceptable.
  • A Quality – Good quality clothes, without or just barely noticeable signs of wear, good condition. Torn clothes and non-removable dirt are not allowed.
  • Shop Quality – mix of qualities (Cream, Extra, AQ and BQ), divided by season

Our Customers

Second Hand Clothes Wholesale

After twenty years at the forefront of the industry, we understand that our clients need to be able to trust the quality of the products we provide. This is all the more important when buying second hand clothes wholesale – because purchases are done in bulk. So until you have made your first purchase, how can you be sure that you are going to get the quality of clothing that you require?
Texx Team makes it simple. Our multi-layer sorting process and highly experienced team guarantee that the grade of our products is always as advertised.

Getting the grade of products you need

You can choose between multiple grades of clothing in various mixes to meet whatever needs you have:

  • Cream quality – Our best quality clothes, fashionable and modern.
  • Extra quality – Clothes in Very good condition. Еeasily removable soiling or minimal defects are acceptable.
  • A Quality – Good quality clothes, without or just barely noticeable signs of wear, good condition. Torn clothes and non-removable dirt are not allowed.
  • Shop Quality – mix of qualities (Cream, Extra, AQ and BQ), divided by season

We also offer various item sorted by category.

If you don’t see the specific type of used clothing you are looking for, simply get in touch. We are used to meeting the diverse needs of clients looking to buy second hand clothes wholesale around the world.

Values, Vision and Mission

Buying Used Clothing Wholesale – Better for People and the Environment

Texx Team was created around the idea of transparency. Buying used clothing wholesale means you are relying on the judgement of the team responsible for sorting it to guarantee that you are getting goods of the correct type and condition every time. That’s why everyone on the Texx Team – from the owners to the newest members – have to be big believers not only in the social responsibility of the work we do but also in our shared interests of openness, fair treatment and delivering consistent quality.

Our clients need:

– A reliable, loyal partner who will meet their requirements

– To be treated fairly and honestly

– Clear guidelines for the quality of clothes they will get from us

Our team are always:

– Positive and hard working

– Professional

– Treated with respect

Texx Team’s mission

Texx Team is committed to our vision of giving our clients a place where they can get:

The right goods. Of the right quality. At the right price.

In addition, the sheer amount of textile waste produced every year has led to bulk second hand clothing collection having an important role to play in global recycling. Texx Team is dedicated to striving for change as we continue to expand worldwide.

Our vision – why bulk second hand clothing recycling is common sense

Over two billion tons of waste are produced every year. That’s a staggering quantity. Something that’s almost impossible to picture – but also something that’s already causing serious problems in many parts of the world. Around 5% of that waste is textiles and clothing.

As well as being bad from an environmental point of view, textile waste is something that is illogical from a commercial standpoint. Because even worn, stained, ripped and torn fabric can be reused, repaired or recycled as something else. Whether it’s to be sold as used clothing wholesale or processed into fibers for other purposes, there’s almost never any need to throw textiles away.

Not only is reducing the amount of waste produced each year something which our children will thank us for, it also takes a lot less energy and resources to make new products from recycled fabric than it does from the raw materials. This has a positive knock-on effect all over the world. The land, water and fertilizer which would ordinarily be used to grow cotton can be used for other purposes and companies can create new products at more cost-effective rates.

What’s more, clothing recycling creates jobs. That’s common sense no matter where you come from.


Making buying used clothing wholesale reliable and cost-effective

Whenever and wherever you need to search for where to buy bulk second hand clothing, talk to Texx Team.

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